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Coaching Safari

Rewild your mind!

stork flying in blue sky by Steer Photographic

Come on a Coaching Safari with me…and rewild your mind!

A Coaching Safari is personal development with a difference.

You will be in good company. Not only will you be with me, a professional nature based coach and environmentalist, but also you will be with a world famous wild landscape. Ancient oak trees, rare storks and nightingales are just some of the special features of our chosen venue – the Knepp Wilding project, Sussex.

Knepp is inspiring a new approach to managing land in harmony with nature, an approach that focuses less on targets and deterministic thinking, and more on enabling the living processes that create rich and fulfilling landscapes for people and nature.

My approach to coaching is similar. I will help you identify the outcomes you’re looking for in your work or your life, and uncover the processes that you can adopt to achieve them.

What work can I bring?

You can bring anything you like. Perhaps you’re working out what you really want from life. Maybe you’re facing a transition at home, or in your career. Or maybe you want to resolve a challenging relationship. It’s really up to you – and if you’re not sure, we can discover the work together.

This is not a prescriptive way of working. It depends on your willingness to experiment, to explore areas of your life where you have questions but no obvious answers, and to trust that – with an experienced coach by your side – you may find what you are looking for.

Why work outdoors in nature?

A Coaching Safari is a partnership between nature, coach and client. You will be surprised how much calmer and clearer you feel working outdoors. How creative you can be.  How many rich metaphors come to mind. And how, if we listen carefully, we can hear nature communicating with us, with a sense of deep compassion.

It is our hope that experience like this awaken the sense of nature connection that is buried within all of us, and that in turn may lead us to take action to lessen our impact on the planet.

Studies have shown a huge range of benefits from engaging with the outdoors. Connecting with nature has been shown to reduce anxiety, increase calmness and positivity, almost double our sense of life satisfaction and self esteem, and the amount of pro-environmental action people take in daily life.

What are the details?

Book a free call with me and we can talk through what you’re looking for, and discuss arrangements.

Knepp is easily accessible from London and the South. There is free parking. Billingshurst, Horsham and Christ’s Hospital stations are nearby and lifts can be arranged. The session will take place on foot, and ground conditions can vary! We can discuss if you have particular mobility needs. We aren’t limited to meeting at Knepp, of course. Other natural places are available – and by agreement we can choose to work elsewhere in London or the South East. We also offer virtual coaching, and this can take place outdoors too.

The price for a three hour Coaching Safari, with refreshments, is £350.

We donate 2% of our profits to internationally certified projects that reduce carbon and deliver sustainable development.

How do I begin?

You can either book now through our contacts page, or get in touch with any questions, or to arrange a short introductory call.

Other services

We offer a range of other coaching services including training. You can view these here.

Stork flying at Knepp Estate ©Steer Photographic, other photos ©Steer Photographic & Matt Ellery