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Natural partners. A reminder of how well nature and mental health go together in International Biodiversity and UK Mental Health weeks

    It’s both International Biodiversity Week, and Mental Health Awareness Week. Many won’t make the link…but there is one, and it is strong. Being in nature is good for us – emotionally, physically, psychologically and socially. Biodiversity and mental health are natural partners.

    So what should we do?

    1. Create opportunities for everyone to have local access to greenspace.

    2. Get out into greenspace – ie have contact with nature.

    3. Take the time to connect with nature.

    Research by the University of Derby found that people who are more nature-connected are more likely to take pro-environmental action at home, to be 1.8 times more conservation minded, are more likely to have a positive outlook on life, and score more highly for personal growth.

    The University worked with the National Trust and others to identify 5 ‘pathways’ to connecting with nature.

    • Senses
    • Emotion
    • Beauty
    • Meaning
    • Compassion

    You can download this as a postcard, here.

    This bodes well for nature-based coaches, and their clients, who often report that thinking in nature enables deeper, more productive work.

    For our free guide to why connect with nature, get in touch.