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The Call of the Wild – James Farrell and Diana Tedoldi share their approach for coaching with nature in a new article

    Read ‘The Call of the Wild’ – an article by James Farrell and Diana Tedoldi about their approach for coaching with nature.

    The article explores the role coaching with nature can play in the human response to health, nature and climate crises. It has been published in Coaching at Work Magazine.

    The article says that as coaches, working with nature in coaching is one way we can own this change. To be part of a process that enables people to respond to global and individual crises. To enhance our coaching practice, and to provide life-enhancing benefits for ourselves and our clients.

    The planet is calling.

    Keep reading here, or on the Coaching at Work Magazine website here.

    With thanks to Diana, and Liz Hall at Coaching At Work.